c. depression. d. Not enough therapists practice existential therapy to make it worth researching. According to your reading on abnormal psychology, which term is defined as "the inability to perform in one or more important areas of functioning" and is a consideration in identifying the presence of a mental disorder? The nervous system consists of two main parts the central and peripheral nervous systems. 131. d. it is too narrow in certain ways. 33. 157. A friend recommends this therapy. b. good long-term prognoses. a. the humanistic-existential model b. the family-social perspective c. the cognitive model d. the psychodynamic model, 11. c. operant conditioning. 146. Which is NOT a goal of group therapy? c. abnormality arises from an interaction between predisposition and stress. c. who believe in a higher being are the healthiest. The content of dreams includes the persons actual retelling of the dreams, called manifest content, and the hidden or symbolic meaning called latent content. Banduras Classic Experiment. a. sharing advice b. analyzing dreams c. developing insights d. building social skills. What we would call conscience is MOST like what Freud would call the: a. defense mechanism. b. resistance. With which type of schedule would you expect a person to stop responding to immediately if reinforcement is not there? c. resistance. d. latency stage. c. take responsibility for harmful behavioral patterns. We then discussed biological, psychological, and sociocultural models of abnormality. Messages moving from neuron to neuron must cross tiny spaces called: Which model of abnormality focuses on learning and the thinking that underlies behavior? That is why a person inherits a susceptibility to a mental illness and doesnt necessarily develop the illness. In the business setting, a model or trainer demonstrates how to use a computer program or run a register for a new employee. Evaluate the usefulness of the biological model. size the different models of abnormality and to avoid oversimplifying the complex nature of human problems. c. manifest content. When a child yells and threatens others, he or she is placed in a time-out, away from the group. They are only a problem when they reach consciousness. The pineal gland helps regulate the sleep-wake cycle while the thyroid gland regulates the bodys energy levels by controlling metabolism and the basal metabolic rate (BMR). E. Regarding the diathesis-stress model, which of the following statements is false? The client is classically conditioned to associate drinking with the negative experience of vomiting. a. d. lend itself easily to research. The persons true intentions or thoughts and feelings are not readily available to us, or are covert, and do not make for useful empirical data. Over time I learned that attention was good. It has several structures in common with all cells in the body. Still, cognitive-behavioral therapies have proven their efficacy for the treatment of OCD (McKay et al., 2015), perinatal depression (Sockol, 2015), insomnia (de Bruin et al., 2015), bulimia nervosa (Poulsen et al., 2014), hypochondriasis (Olatunji et al., 2014), and social anxiety disorder (Leichsenring et al., 2014) to name a few. The cat could escape the box and reach the food by manipulating a series of levers. The information is received by brain structures (central nervous system) and perception occurs. Figure 2.9 shows that that are two main components that make up a reinforcement schedule when you will reinforce and what is being reinforced. a. religion causes people to deal better with the challenges of life. _____ theory focuses on observable and conscious behaviors, whereas _____ theory focuses on unconscious processes. a. humanistic-existential b. biological c. psychodynamic d. sociocultural, 5. Consider where students sit in a class. What is the problem with a uni-dimensional model of psychopathology? This approach came to be called client-centered therapy. This therapist is MOST likely a(n) _____ therapist. b. increase feelings of gratitude and decrease feelings of fear. 21. b. ego. If this is true, how can we know anything about controversial matters? Outside of phobias, desensitization has been shown to be effective in the treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder symptoms (Hakimian and Souza, 2016) and limitedly with the treatment of depression when co-morbid with OCD (Masoumeh and Lancy, 2016). d. projection. Contingencies in Operant Conditioning. The biopsychosocial model states that biological, psychological, and socio-cultural factors are all equally significant ingredients in producing both normal and abnormal behavior.. d. understand how beliefs and values are related to behaviors. Once free, the cat was allowed to eat some food before being promptly returned to the box. What if you found out that a friend who sits in the front row is a C student but sits there because he cannot see the screen or board, even with corrective lenses? First, associative learning is the linking together of information sensed from our environment. This thought is an example of: Which statement is NOT an appropriate criticism of the sociocultural model? The psychologist credited with paving the way for psychologists to practice psychotherapy is: The psychologist who is said to have made it possible for psychologists to do psychotherapy is called "the pioneer." The important thing to understand is that not all behaviors occur due to reinforcement and punishment as operant conditioning says. Rogers did try to investigate his propositions scientifically, but most other humanistic-existential psychologists rejected the use of the scientific method. We started at resting potential in Step 1 and end at resting potential in Step 6. c. psychoanalysts. Is there merit to this view? d. classical conditioning. Breuer made daily visits and allowed her to share stories from her private theater, which she came to call talking cure or chimney sweeping. Many of the stories she shared were actually thoughts or events she found troubling and reliving them helped to relieve or eliminate the symptoms. a. id b. superego c. self d. ego, 38. The principle of multifinality emphasizes that: a. stress is the primary factor leading to abnormality. This might even affect how you interact with them. d. short-term psychodynamic therapy. a. b. cultural. If a therapist advised you to pay attention to how you were communicating with family members and to change harmful patterns, the therapist would MOST likely be practicing: a. couple therapy. d. displacement. We are more likely to model behaviors by someone who commands our attention. In order to prevent anxiety in the future, it is common practice to expose someone to stressful situations. The sociocultural model asserts that race, ethnicity, gender, religious orientation, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation all play a role in the development and treatment of mental illness. During the time-out, no one interacts with the child. What happens at the synapse during neural transmission? There is not a leader, and everyone is equal. 16. d. unconscious feelings of loss. Your romantic partner of four years ends the relationship suddenly and cuts off all contact. d. existential. Students also viewed PSY 381 Chapter 2 The cognitive model of panic disorder focuses on misinterpretations of. c. deep brain stimulation. d. ego ideal. According to Freuds psychodynamic theory, ineffective interaction of the id, ego, and superego can result in a person becoming stuck at a developmental level. Respondent conditioning (also called classical or Pavlovian conditioning) occurs when we link a previously neutral stimulus with a stimulus that is unlearned or inborn, called an unconditioned stimulus. A psychologist believes that all dysfunctional behavior is due to past experiences, and that no symptom or behavior is accidental. c. role-playing. a. The fundamental unit of the nervous system is the neuron, or nerve cell (See Figure 2.3). A person engages in multiple online discussions with a large number of friends on Facebook. A girl values her self-worth even when she fails at something. b. multicultural. The _____ operates in accord with the pleasure principle. What is an important characteristic of group therapy? d. A girl is anxious about giving a speech in front of her class. If a client is being guided to challenge irrational thinking and to try out new interpretations, the client is MOST likely being treated by a follower of: a. Rogers. To do this, the client must be aware of the distressing thoughts, when they occur, and their effect on them. First, you can use cognitive restructuring, also called rational restructuring, in which maladaptive cognitions are replaced with more adaptive ones. d. The effectiveness of biological treatments cannot be objectively evaluated. Operant conditioning. All while doing this, we will identify areas of concern for psychologists focused on the treatment of mental disorders. The objective of the Human Genome Project was to: a. clone a mammal. What happens when an electrical impulse reaches a neurons ending? His name is Biological theorists view abnormal behavior as a(n): a. illness. A health care provider prescribes disulfiram (Antabuse) for a client with alcoholism. c. limitations of a focus on ethnicity. The endocrine system moves slowly with hormones, released by endocrine glands, taking seconds, or even minutes, to reach their target. a. psychodynamic Anti-anxiety medications such as benzodiazepines are effective in relieving anxiety and take effect more quickly than the antidepressant medications (or buspirone) often prescribed for anxiety. b. rationalization. For instance, people with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) have difficulty regulating serotonin. 144. They also focus on life-enhancing experiences like relationships, love, caring, commitment, courage, creativity, power, will, presence, spirituality, individuation, self-actualization, authenticity, acceptance, transcendence, and awe. For more information, please visit: https://www.psychologytoday.com/therapy-types/existential-therapy. For more on these, visit: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/in-practice/201301/cognitive-restructuring. 158. b. 148. So the dog now reliably salivates at the sound of the bell because he expects that food will follow, and it does. Once the electrical impulse reaches the end of the axon, called the axon terminal, it stimulates synaptic vesicles or neurotransmitter sacs to release the neurotransmitter. c. psychodynamic Finally, acceptance techniques help reduce a clients worry and anxiety. Module 2: Models of Abnormal Psychology by Washington State University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. Which statement is TRUE regarding the models of abnormality? b. irrational thoughts contribute to ones feelings. Our attribution in these two cases is in error, but still, it comes to affect how we see the world and our subjective well-being. b. cognitive-behavioral. Breuers wife, Mathilde, became jealous of her husbands relationship with the young girl, leading Breuer to terminate treatment in June of 1882 before Anna had fully recovered. b. develop depression even when not under stress. Which example BEST describes conditions of worth? According to psychoanalysts, if a patient relives past repressed feelings, that patient is said to have experienced: a. repression. b. map, or sequence, genes. Respondent conditioning. d. fixation. a. psychodynamic b. behavioral c. humanist-existential d. sociocultural. d. The client is classically conditioned to associate drinking with the negative experience of vomiting. In Module 2, we will discuss three models of abnormal behavior to include the biological, psychological, and sociocultural models. Acceptance and commitment therapy borrows heavily from _____, which teaches individuals to pay attention to the thoughts and feelings that are flowing through their minds, and to accept their thoughts in a nonjudgmental way. 120. She had another shirt with her and wanted to change right then and there. According to Mental Health America, Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is a procedure in which a brief application of electric stimulus is used to produce a generalized seizure. Patients are placed on a padded bed and administered a muscle relaxant to avoid injury during the seizures. According to Freud, our personality has three parts the id, superego, and ego, and from these our behavior arises. The orientation of the author of this quote is MOST likely: a. cognitive-behavioral. Check out the following from Harvard Health for more on depression and the brain as a cause: Other Books in the Discovering Psychology Series, Module 3: Clinical Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment, Module 5: Trauma- and Stressor-Related Disorders, Module 8: Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders, Module 9: Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, Module 11: Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders, Module 12: Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders, Module 15: Contemporary Issues in Psychopathology, Instructor Resources Instructions - READ FIRST, 2.1. a. Existential therapy is used to treat substance abuse, excessive anxiety, apathy, alienation, nihilism, avoidance, shame, addiction, despair, depression, guilt, anger, rage, resentment, embitterment, purposelessness, psychosis, and violence. d. sociocultural. 100. Over time, he begins to understand how events in his early life have impacted how he functions now. Which of the following is an argument of critics of the evolutionary perspective? a. sociocultural b. biocultural c. psychocultural d. cognitive-cultural. Does extinction happen as soon as the anticipated reinforcer is removed? 117. Abnormality results from the interaction of genetic, emotional, and cultural influences. b. self-actualizing. 130. b. exposure therapy. Consider hunger, and the associated rumbling of our stomach, fatigue, lack of energy, etc., that motivates us to find and eat food. Imagine that you subscribe to the sociocultural model of abnormality. b. ego. According to psychoanalytic theory, which statement is TRUE about dreams? In explaining why women are diagnosed with anxiety disorders and depression twice as often as men, multicultural therapists would focus on: a. the biological differences between men and women.