The Clermont County Sheriff's Office . So the police began reaching out to people that worked or had otherwise been in the area. Alan lived with his parents, both English immigrants, in Salisbury: a northern suburb of Adelaide. Some time after they went missing, their bodies would each be found, often horribly mutilated. This notoriety brought with it a poor reputation, however, and by the late 1970s, Mandrax had become a regulated prescription drug throughout Australia. Unfortunately, as the farmer's land burned, so did the remains of the missing teenager. They knew then that the description of the remains - should it become public knowledge - would alert a lot of media to the story and scare a lot of people. Investigator Hunter made note of this, finding it odd that one man would have connections to two separate murder investigations - especially two gruesome murders that shared such grisly traits. Needless to say, over the past few months, this investigation had become a new beast entirely. No additional leads would surface in that time-span, and police would continue to refrain from stating that the two victims so far - Alan Barnes and Neil Muir - were connected in any way (at least, they wouldn't say so publicly). George gave police a description of the older man that had picked him up and driven him to the house in question, but he could not remember his name, nor the name of the two women at the house they had traveled to. It's 1983, and a 15-year-old boy named Richard Kelvin is in a laneway in North Adelaide. While in rehab, Dr. Millhouse refused to speak to police about Neil Muir (or his alleged relationship with the man). It shows the facts and most likely scenarios, but is fluid so when new information comes to light changes can easily be made. Major Crimes was primarily responsible for serial killings, mass killings, and any other high-profile crimes that the local government wanted to be handled by a specialized task force. If your information is verified and its not breaking any laws, we may publish it. He then moved away from Adelaide and the murders continued. In particular, they were members of the Vice Squad, who typically crackdown on "moral" crimes such as gambling, narcotics, pornography, and illegal substances. But he then set off again, likely headed towards the distant Rundle Mall, where he was due to meet up with his friend, Daniel, that day. But a discovery by the medical examiner seemed to undermine that: in addition to all of this, Neil's genitals had been mutilated by his killer. He was found wearing most of the clothing he had last been seen in, minus an undershirt and without the chains he often wore around his neck (which contained his zodiac sign, Cancer). The bags looked as if they had been dropped from the higher-up wharf, just like the body of Alan Barnes had been. Police wouldn't get around to conducting a door-to-door canvas of the neighborhood until Tuesday, two days after Richard had gone missing. That was believed to have been Neil's cause-of-death, same as Alan Barnes. 's had discovered the chemical compound chloral hydrate in the system of Alan Barnes, who also had an above-average level of alcohol in his system: roughly four times the legal limit, which was unusually high for a teenager. Five young men were mysteriously abducted in different . Its always easier to visualise events when you have maps. Mr B made contact with police two days after Alan Barnes was found. Just like Neil Muir, whoever had taken him had killed him and dumped his body pretty quickly, within a day or two. The group was involved in kidnapping, sexually abusing, torturing and murdering 5 boys. Like the other victims, Richard Kelvin's blood and organs were tested for any sign of drugs, with investigators hoping to find a connection to any of the prior victims. Ten years von Einem's junior, Mr B helped von Einem pick up, drug, and rape several young men. The other two men thrown into the river with him managed to escape with their lives, but they did not escape unscathed. Between 1979 and 1983, a series of heinous murders shocked Adelaide. Because this murder seemed like the type of crime beset by emotional issues - or likely someone with an ax to grind against Alan, personally - police initially began investigating this as a personal crime. Some of his strategies were to unscrew his car muffler or pull out his choke and ask an unsuspecting youth to help him with car trouble. Neil Muir was last seen in Hindley St, Adelaide in the company of Dr Peter Leslie Millhouse at 3pm on the day he was murdered. However, Neil's life was far less glamorous; rumors persist to this day that, leading up to August of 1979, Neil was engaging in sex work to support his bad habits and lifestyle. If that was true, then could that have been happening to the other young male victims that had been viciously murdered in the preceding years? Bevan von Einems life revolved around sexual sadism. But other than that, this friend had nothing new to offer police: he hadn't seen or heard from Alan since the two went their separate ways. Gino Gambardella regularly scouted Rundle Mall and video game arcades for runaways, homeless teenagers, and youths who he was able to exploit. On Saturday, June 16th, 1979, Alan spent the night at a friend's house. This witness would also recall hearing this supposed argument on the street come to a sudden end, punctuated with the sound of a loud exhaust system as a car sped down the street. [21] Among the mutilations was a wound that appeared to have been cut with a surgical instrument that went from his navel to the pubic region and part of his small bowel was missing. The Family Murders are a series of violent and depraved sex crimes committed against five young men and boys in South Australia throughout the 1970's and 1980's. In 1988 Detective Trevor Kipling described a group of people whom he suspected as being responsible as "one big happy family" and vowed to do all that he could to bring them to justice. They began probing those that knew Alan and might have taken issue with something he did or said in the weeks before his death; in particular, those that drove a white sedan. In the days after Neil Muir's body was discovered in separate black trash bags, police had received two separate phone calls alerting them to the victim's relationship with a local doctor. Was Dr Millhouse involved in Neil Muirs murder. However, that was very circumstantial evidence at best, and anything but definitive. On the final weekend of August 1979, Neil was spotted at both the Duke of York and Buckingham Arms ("The Buck"), two local gay bars that I referenced at the top of the episode. Homosexuality itself would become decriminalized just a few years later, in 1975, with the passing of the Criminal Law Amendment Act, making South Australia the first Australian state or territory where members of the LGBTQ community no longer had to fear government persecution. Because of this lack of clarity, police were unable to press forward with any charges for the offenders, and George's story would become buried by more pressing police concerns in the coming weeks and months. Four of the five murders remain unsolved. The son was fifteen when he was snatched from the street . Among friends, Alan had begun to smoke weed and experiment with new things, pushing himself to the limits of his comfort zone to discover who he was and what he enjoyed. Unfortunately, this lead ultimately led nowhere, so police began investigating people more tentatively linked to Neil through his social circle. Some showed signs of prolonged captivity, while death came quick to others . The Family Murders is the name given to a series of five murders speculated to have been committed by a loosely connected group of individuals who came to be known as "The Family". Police believe that up to 12 people, several of them high-profile Australians, were involved in the kidnappings. Description. But underneath the surface, a monster lingered While the men in the river struggled to make it back to the shore, the group that had thrown them into the water made their escape before camera crews or onlookers could begin to gather. For many, that meant gay-specific bars and clubs, where these individuals were allowed to socially express themselves honestly for the first time in their lives. The two had been dating for about a month now, and Richard had excitedly told his mother that he planned on proposing when his girlfriend and he were nineteen years old. Most were later described as being worthless, but a few piqued the interest of Investigator O'Brien. This conflict has endured because Alan's bloodstream also showed signs of alcohol consumption, which Alan had participated in that same weekend. Over a span of several years starting in 1979 and into the 80s five young men, aged from 14 to 25, went missing in different areas of Adelaide. This young man, Bevan Spencer von Einem - an acquaintance of James' - had helped James make it to shore and then drove him to the nearby Royal Adelaide Hospital. Add onto that abductions, drug-lacing, mutilations, victims held in captivity for weeks, and death by sado-masochism. The other murders remain unsolved. That Monday - August 27th, 1979 - Neil Muir was seen alive for the last time. Now twenty-five years old, Neil had spent the better part of the last few years struggling with addictions and vices that left him moving from place-to-place pretty regularly. Only one suspect has been charged and convicted for a crime. [18] His skeletal remains were found in October 1982 later by a local farmer at Middle Beach, 50km north of Adelaide. In June of 1983, Richard Kelvin was approaching sixteen years of age. Part One: The Murders Between 1979 and 1983, a series of heinous murders shocked Adelaide. [4][5] In 1989, von Einem was charged with the murders of two other victims, Barnes and Langley, but the prosecution entered a nolle prosequi (voluntarily discontinue criminal charges) during the trial when crucial similar fact evidence was deemed inadmissible by the presiding judge. Bevan Spencer von Einem was jailed for life for the murder of 15-year-old Richard Kelvin. This caller alleged that the two older men had been driving around a 1963 EJ Holden sedan. The Family Murders was a series of murders in the 1970s and 1980s that targeted young men in Adelaide, South Australia between the ages of 14 and 25. The Adelaide Festival of Arts (also known as just Adelaide Festival) started in 1960 and led to something of a "cultural revival" in the area. Noctec was found in his blood, suggesting he had been drugged. He was also found to be wearing clothing that did not belong to him, and his original clothing was missing entirely. Police didn't believe that this voice was Richard, as he was a teenager with a deep voice that had already cracked. Police were called out to the scene, and an extensive search of the area commenced. He found like minded people who shared a similar sexual bent, and he found people he could mutually exploit to lure victims into his car. Millhouse was charged and went to trial but was acquitted. Unfortunately, it would later be determined that he would suffer in anguish for weeks before meeting eventually dying more than a month after his initial disappearance. This screening also revealed that the young man had been drugged with Mandrax ("Randy Mandys"), which had resulted in him losing consciousness. The victims ranged in age from 14 to 25, and most were found to have suffered brutal violence, sexual assaults, and/or body mutilation before their death. Alan was supposed to find a ride back home and was taking his luck hitchhiking, hoping that someone willing to pick him up would be heading north towards his family's neighborhood of Salisbury. Sadly, almost all of the evidence that may have been left behind was now gone, burned away to ash along with all of Peter's remaining soft tissue. Unfortunately, that Thursday, Peter never arrived at the mall to meet his friend. That evening, as Mark drove around with his friend Ian and Ian's girlfriend, Paula, an argument broke out. The Family were not an official group, gang, or organisation. There was a bridge above where his body had been discovered, with a clearing of about a meter; implying that whoever had tried to throw him into the water below had missed the mark, but had not rectified their mistake. South Australia's overdue for another Police first treated Richard as a runaway; an unfortunate symptom of the times. His body had been dissected into parts, with his internal organs carved out and missing, replaced by his lower legs and arms, which had been sawed off and placed inside of his hollowed-out chest cavity. Neil had several drug debts throughout Adelaide, and that is where police started their investigation. According to some witnesses in the area, screams had been heard at around the time that Richard had disappeared, some time between 5:30 and 6:30 PM that Sunday. This has come to be disputed over the years, with some speculating that Alan might have willingly consumed the drug the weekend before his death; or, perhaps, he might have been slipped it by someone at the bars he was rumored to visit with his friends that Saturday. While Neil Muir had endured a similar fate, his remains were too badly mutilated to test for any drugs; however, the injuries suffered seemed to be identical. Among those voices, he described, was a higher-pitched voice, which sounded almost feminine. Things then came full circle when he began using heroin again, and shortly thereafter, followed that up with a dependence on Rohypnol ("roofies", commonly known as the date-rape drug). The Family Murders is the name given to a series of five murders speculated to have been committed by a loosely connected group of individuals who came to be known as "The Family".This group was believed to be involved in the kidnapping and sexual abuse of a number of teenage boys and young men, as well as the torture and murder of five young men aged between 14 and 25, in Adelaide, South . A few more anonymous calls would be received in the coming weeks. Unfortunately, by the time they returned, Mark was nowhere to be found. The final two - Mark Langley and Richard Kelvin - had disappeared just blocks away from one another. Although each attack and mutilation appeared different, police investigators soon began to link the horrific murders to one another. Eventually, Peter's parents discovered the plot among Peter and his friend to skip school, and conveyed this information to the police - who were just as alarmed as they were. [3], Von Einem was convicted in 1984 of the murder of Kelvin and sentenced to life imprisonment. This argument would carry on for a few minutes, while the trio was parked along War Memorial Drive, overlooking the Torrens River. It had been reported that Richard was wearing the collar as a joke on the afternoon he went missing, while he was kicking around the soccer ball in the park with his dad and his friend, Boris. Neil Muir had been missing for less than 24 hours by the time his body was discovered, and because he was an adult that lived alone, police were already at a disadvantage when it came to trying to figure out what happened to him. There are also notorious unsolved disappearances in Adelaide, including the Beaumont children. But he didn't commit these crimes on his own. Regardless, this information was incredibly helpful to police, who began to expand their interests to finding people in the area that drove similar vehicles. Nine days after Mark Langley went missing, his body was discovered in the Adelaide Foothills, close to Mount Lofty in the area known as Summertown. Show True Crime Conversations, Ep The Family Murders Of Adelaide - 10 Nov 2021. The Family Murders revolved around von Einem. Like most of the victims targeted by this unknown subject, Richard Kelvin was a young and athletic young man, who seemed destined to have a long and rewarding life. Dylan John Kovarskis murdered Nathan Russell in 2021 . "The Family murders" occurred in the period of time between the late 1970s and 1980s. Peter Leslie Millhouse was a doctor from Mt. While police began to investigate who might be responsible for this heinous crime, medical examiners testing the body made a pretty shocking discovery: the presence of drugs in his blood. Another anonymous caller claimed that they had seen Richard Kelvin in a snuff film, which had been filmed very recently. Peter Stogneff. See what they say here. Despite there being an overwhelming lack of physical evidence, police decided to pursue charges against Dr. Millhouse anyways, using the rope and trash bags recovered from his home as their primary building block. He loved music - both playing it and listening to it - and had a good rapport with his friends, whom he hung around constantly. A cold case review was opened in March 2008 with a $1,000,000 reward available for anyone who provided information leading to a conviction. Police had still not linked the two cases - Barnes and Neil Muir - but while being questioned about the first murder, von Einem inquired about the second without any provocation. The head was tied to the torso with rope passed through the mouth and out through the neck. [4][10], Some authorities do not recognise the term "The Family", stating that "[t]hey should not be given any title that infers legitimacy. How, why, or where they had seen this tape escaped the caller, but it was enough to send detectives through the paces of investigating every lead related to this: known deviants, underground porn shops, etc. [8] The reward carried an offer of immunity to accomplices, dependent on their level of involvement. Stogneff still skipped school but never made it home. He was the son of Channel 9 News host Rob Kelvin, who had just recently taken over the hosting gig after more than a decade of field reporting through the station and a radio affiliate. He never made it home. Of the five men that fell prey to this violent killer, at least two had been drugged with Mandrax, as had George. An examination of Richard's body discovered that his cause-of-death was virtually identical to the other young male victims: blood loss caused by extensive anal injuries. The ongoing investigation featured in an episode of Crime Stoppers which went to air on 2 March 2009. After all, three of the victims (Alan Barnes, Neil Muir, and Mark Langley) had all died of similar injuries, and at least three (Alan Barnes, Mark Langley, and now Richard Kelvin) had all gone missing on Sundays. Bevan von Einem had a network of around 25-30 people. Detective O'Brien was the unfortunate one tasked with notifying the Kelvins that Richard's body had been found; which he describes in his book as one of the most heartbreaking duties he's ever had to endure. Alan Arthur Barnes, aged 16, murdered in 1979. This period saw the creation of gay clubs in Adelaide (such as a location known as the Mars Bar) and other clubs where all sexualities were welcome (such as the Duke of York or Buckingham Arms, known in the area as "The Buck"). Peter Stogneff, aged 14,[17] murdered in August 1981. He then explained to the investigator that he was a former lover of Neil's, from roughly four years beforehand, and had run into the man just days before his eventual murder. While charges would later be filed against several police officers, they were ultimately acquitted; and it has been widely accepted in the decades since that local law enforcement engaged in a systematic cover-up. These individuals have come to be known as the "The Family" and are believed to have kidnapped and sexually abused over 150 boys and are believed to have tortured and murdered at least five teenage boys during a crime spree in Adelaide, South Australia. A day or two prior, at least. In October of 1982 - in the very midst of this crime spree - a teenage hitchhiker named George had been picked up by a passing car. His remains had been dissected and neatly cut into many pieces, placed in a garbage bag and thrown into the Port River at Port Adelaide. One victim was killed and dumped within 24 hours, another was kept alive for five weeks, and the rest were in between. Suspect 3, an Eastern Suburbs doctor. The emergence of this drug would prove to be very interesting in the years to come, but at this point in the investigation, police were still struggling to connect all of the dots. High profile lawyer and murder victim Derrance Stevenson regularly entertained teenage youths. View description Share. Of the young men whose stories I'll cover in this episode, he was by far the youngest, and his face showed it: he still had the youthful appearance of a child, and by all accounts, seemed to be your typical teenage boy. Because Neil's transient lifestyle led to him becoming known as a bit of a vagabond, his sexuality was not exactly common knowledge. Richard was found wearing the same clothing that he had been wearing on the day of his disappearance, but in an unusual twist, was found to be wearing his family dog's collar. Mr B - The Family Murders Mr B Mr B was named by South Australian police in 2008 as one of the three main suspects who were involved in the murders alongside Bevan von Einem. Some were involved in the abduction of victims who were murdered, some were involved in the rape of murdered victims, and some were involved in murder. Suspect 2, a former male prostitute and close friend of von Einem known as Mr B. Their psychological profile indicated that Neil's body had been carved up due to either a psychotic killer that derived pleasure from inflicting pain on others or someone that wanted to hide his/her identity. One such case is the Family Murders of Adelaide, Australia. The information is easy to navigate and easy reference. Likely, he was one of the people seen hanging out with Neil at the bars and clubs just days that weekend. Through these connections, police were able to link all of these crimes together. Millhouse would have Peter intended to skip school and meet his uncle (similar age) in Rundle Mall. Neil Muir's body had been so badly mutilated that he still barely resembled an entire being.
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