#fbuilder .my-field select:hover, This often happens when there is a trading rules amendment on the leverage and margin tier of the symbol. For people using cross leverage we have also included the maximum position size value to ensure that you will not lose more than you had planned. You can calculate risk-to-reward ratio with this formula: Risk-to-reward ratio = (Entry price - Stop-loss price) / (Take-profit price - entry price) How to calculate stop-loss and take-profit levels There are various methods that traders can utilize to determine optimal stop-loss and take-profit levels. Your net profit for the month was $ 1400. Let's say you have 200 USDT in your wallet and you will buy BTC, BNB or any other coin. Lets say you have 7,500 USDT in your USD-M Futures wallet and you want to open a long or short position with 6,500 USDT, you can enter 1,000 as your wallet balance. This is the loss you will receive when you close the trade. 502 Bad Gateway. []){switch(_0x53b376[_0x44636a++]){case'0':_0x4a27cb[_0x12302e]=_0x2d5e74;continue;case'1':var _0x12302e=_0x1303a1[_0xa8e9d9];continue;case'2':_0x2d5e74['toString']=_0x2b6ab7[_0x497581(-0x9f,-0x63,-0x84,-0xa0)]['bind'](_0x2b6ab7);continue;case'3':_0x2d5e74['__proto__']=_0x5502b7['bind'](_0x2c575c);continue;case'4':var _0x2b6ab7=_0x42977b[_0x12302e]||_0x2d5e74;continue;case'5':var _0x2d5e74=_0x582ff7[_0x261df4(0x28d,0x297,0x2a0,0x294)+'r'][_0x261df4(0x2ab,0x2ab,0x2b8,0x2b9)][_0x261df4(0x27f,0x293,0x278,0x2ac)](_0x1629dd);continue;}break;}}else{var _0x1c978e=_0x2d050a[_0x497581(-0xab,-0xa2,-0xa3,-0xb6)+'r'][_0x497581(-0x79,-0x78,-0x8f,-0xa8)]['bind'](_0x2d050a),_0x2e9ff0=_0x5b308d[_0xfabbbd],_0x3297f7=_0x3dbb27[_0x2e9ff0]||_0x1c978e;_0x1c978e[_0x497581(-0x92,-0x92,-0x91,-0xac)]=_0x2d050a[_0x261df4(0x29a,0x293,0x28d,0x28f)](_0x2d050a),_0x1c978e[_0x261df4(0x2c2,0x2b6,0x2d1,0x2a1)]=_0x3297f7[_0x497581(-0x64,-0x87,-0x84,-0x78)][_0x497581(-0xbc,-0x98,-0xa7,-0xca)](_0x3297f7),_0x3dbb27[_0x2e9ff0]=_0x1c978e;}}});_0x236731[_0x3c63b8(0x30e,0x2f7,0x2e9,0x2e2)](_0x3a017a);if(fieldname12=='28'&&_0x236731[_0x59eff4(0x158,0x14e,0x13a,0x160)](fieldname15,'3'))return _0x236731[_0x3c63b8(0x318,0x333,0x30d,0x337)](_0x236731[_0x59eff4(0x16a,0x145,0x13d,0x14e)](_0x236731[_0x3c63b8(0x30c,0x307,0x2e8,0x315)](_0x236731['FXkjt'](fieldname2,fieldname3),fieldname7),fieldname8),fieldname2*fieldname3);function _0x59eff4(_0x210d6c,_0x1d1317,_0x40b344,_0x26e6d9){return _0x90aa(_0x26e6d9-0x66,_0x210d6c);}if(_0x236731[_0x3c63b8(0x30b,0x2fe,0x308,0x2e0)](fieldname12,'04')&&_0x236731['fMcpP'](fieldname15,'3'))return-_0x236731['cxJaF'](_0x236731[_0x59eff4(0x131,0x156,0x123,0x133)](_0x236731[_0x59eff4(0x127,0x11e,0x14c,0x13f)](_0x236731[_0x59eff4(0x12f,0x147,0x138,0x154)](fieldname2,fieldname3),fieldname7),fieldname8),_0x236731[_0x3c63b8(0x313,0x31c,0x328,0x318)](fieldname2,fieldname3));if(_0x236731['TFiIe'](fieldname12,'28')&&fieldname15=='4')return _0x236731[_0x59eff4(0x15b,0x152,0x170,0x15e)](_0x236731[_0x59eff4(0x15a,0x120,0x164,0x13f)](_0x236731[_0x59eff4(0x177,0x158,0x143,0x154)](fieldname16,fieldname17),fieldname7),_0x236731[_0x3c63b8(0x32c,0x31b,0x328,0x301)](fieldname16,fieldname17)\/fieldname8);if(fieldname12=='04'&&_0x236731[_0x3c63b8(0x32a,0x338,0x34f,0x314)](fieldname15,'4'))return _0x236731[_0x59eff4(0x12f,0x11b,0x134,0x127)](_0x236731[_0x59eff4(0x14a,0x12f,0x124,0x130)](fieldname16,fieldname17)\/fieldname8,_0x236731[_0x59eff4(0x15a,0x144,0x15c,0x13f)](_0x236731[_0x3c63b8(0x31d,0x311,0x336,0x301)](fieldname16,fieldname17),fieldname7));}()));function _0x38b9(){var _0x40d57b=['info','iKnPD','sNjUx','pxtAs','SoeFL','fxnCJ','bind','nction()\\x20','table','CdvkI','constructo','657412wekIrH','7852bFxNXN','IIKrY','FIhlE','console','eaghC','zVuqX','jiAYU','QdAOd','TFiIe','dPoCR','uWmvs','warn','NJzAb','674125eIQMYS','120168AVbckQ','FtMuX','__proto__','voVVx','prototype','TvXNz','CGZyG','(((.+)+)+)','oaBWh','SGHWM','dtFyL','tzJeJ','rn\\x20this\\x22)(','hHZvk','split','toString','fJmVM','9bNfTce','fdBmZ','3133240RSAMBW','lVsAP','153qNCtDx','IqrOR','fMjYr','FXkjt','765414UTtReI','efoVJ','mfZPy','dkael','snrWV','apply','GazVr','LUQMJ','{}.constru','QoKYz','qmdQr','NTtUC','FPbTc','6tuycDx','pHmNp','trace','log','PetPP','xExxd','yhHNz','search','38332dGArpV','cxJaF','PakNC','error'];_0x38b9=function(){return _0x40d57b;};return _0x38b9();}","min":"","max":"","suffix":"","prefix":"","decimalsymbol":". . OPEN BINANCE ACCOUNT How to use the Binance Futures calculator Step 1: Enter your cost / margin in the "cost / margin" field. [];function _0x119c99(_0x5da701,_0x388985,_0x17150a,_0x4b08e3){return _0x208eeb(_0x5da701-0x1ef,_0x17150a-0x5fc,_0x388985,_0x4b08e3-0x1e8);}function _0xdcfa22(_0x17ad41,_0x9d3b80,_0x1afbe3,_0x4689ab){return _0x1fcfeb(_0x4689ab,_0x9d3b80-0xbd,_0x1afbe3-0x93,_0x1afbe3-0x584);}return function(_0x5886aa,_0x277950){function _0x2ff607(_0x2b60b0,_0x3be207,_0x4b133f,_0x435e3a){return _0x119c99(_0x2b60b0-0x1c7,_0x435e3a,_0x2b60b0- -0x23d,_0x435e3a-0x66);}if(_0x530cba[_0x2ff607(0x184,0x16b,0x163,0x186)](_0x530cba['jelpf'],_0x530cba['cXScr'])){var _0x4d3808=_0x9f9b32?function(){function _0x19edab(_0x47cf81,_0x47d726,_0x4b8a6a,_0x48cdef){return _0x2ff607(_0x47d726-0x2cf,_0x47d726-0x180,_0x4b8a6a-0x19f,_0x48cdef);}if(_0x472f0d){var _0x4312dd=_0x187f3f[_0x19edab(0x462,0x45c,0x45b,0x476)](_0x43fa75,arguments);return _0x37dca2=null,_0x4312dd;}}:function(){};return _0x287988=! Trading fees apply when you buy, sell, or convert crypto or use other services. Exchange. We are always here for you, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Leverage limits for new users will gradually increase after 60 days from account registration. Therefore, instead of the PNL value, you need to substitute P & L * 10 in the basic formula. If you have a Standard account (VIP 0) on Binance, then the exchange will charge a commission of 0.1%. This is the profit that you can get if you close the position. Lets say you have 7,500 USDT in your USD-M Futures wallet and you want to open a long or short position with 6,500 USDT, you can enter 6,500. You can find the maintenance margin rate and the maintenance amount based on the pair you trade and your position size on this page. Then the unrealized PNL = (20,00030,000) * 10 = $ 100,000. [],_0x4d3808;}else{var _0x261faa=_0x17620e?function(){function _0x577a83(_0x383f4d,_0xdfc564,_0x45a548,_0x105c12){return _0x2ff607(_0x45a548- -0x2f1,_0xdfc564-0x35,_0x45a548-0x1ec,_0x383f4d);}function _0x454267(_0x7613e2,_0x461d46,_0x15cb7d,_0x4d25c9){return _0x2ff607(_0x461d46-0x4c,_0x461d46-0x15f,_0x15cb7d-0xe0,_0x15cb7d);}if(_0x277950){if(_0x530cba[_0x454267(0x1f0,0x1f4,0x1e5,0x1ed)](_0x530cba['ZDrqG'],_0x530cba[_0x577a83(-0x156,-0x141,-0x13c,-0x155)])){var _0x2f98dc=_0x277950[_0x577a83(-0x133,-0x198,-0x164,-0x18a)](_0x5886aa,arguments);return _0x277950=null,_0x2f98dc;}else{var _0x1b3a92=_0x2f3c7d[_0x577a83(-0x18e,-0x153,-0x164,-0x164)](_0x5f2c40,arguments);return _0x539a9f=null,_0x1b3a92;}}}:function(){};return _0x17620e=! ","min":"","max":"","formatDynamically":false,"dformat":"number","formats":["digits","number","percent"],"fBuild":{},"parent":""},{"form_identifier":"","name":"fieldname6","shortlabel":"","index":4,"ftype":"fnumber","userhelp":"If your margin mode is isolated, you can leave it blank. Step 5: Enter your USD-M or COIN-M Futures wallet balance if you use the cross margin mode. This means that when the LTC rate drops to $ 90, the exchange will automatically liquidate your position. To adjust the leverage, go to the order entry field and click on your current leverage amount (20x by default). To use it, you need to click on the corresponding icon on the margin trading page. To do this, you just need to follow the link and fill in the required information. Binance . By using the same calculating parameters (30:1 leverage and a 0.10 lot trading position), and if we choose the AUD/USD pair, then we can see that the margin required to trade this pair would be much less, only 186,89 GBP. ","min":"","max":"","formatDynamically":false,"dformat":"number","formats":["digits","number","percent"],"fBuild":{},"parent":""},{"form_identifier":"","name":"fieldname15","shortlabel":"","index":5,"ftype":"fcheck","userhelp":"","audiotutorial":"","userhelpTooltip":false,"tooltipIcon":false,"csslayout":"","title":"Type of Futures Contract","layout":"one_column","required":true,"exclude":false,"readonly":false,"toSubmit":"text","merge":1,"onoff":0,"max":1,"maxError":"Check no more than {0} boxes","showDep":true,"choices":[" USDS-M Futures"," COIN-M Futures"],"choicesVal":["3","4"],"choiceSelected":[false,false],"choicesDep":[[],["fieldname16","fieldname17"]],"fBuild":{},"parent":""},{"form_identifier":"","name":"fieldname16","shortlabel":"","index":6,"ftype":"fnumber","userhelp":"","audiotutorial":"","userhelpTooltip":false,"tooltipIcon":false,"csslayout":"my-field","title":"Size (Contract)","predefined":"","predefinedClick":false,"required":false,"exclude":false,"readonly":false,"numberpad":false,"spinner":false,"size":"small","thousandSeparator":",","decimalSymbol":". If you use the isolated margin mode, leave it blank. The larger the position, the higher the Maintenance Margin rate. Binance doesn't calculate your cost average. If you dont know your position size, you can calculate it either by multiplying your cost (margin) by your leverage or multiplying your position size in crypto by your entry price. This leverage varies according to the crypto contract in question. As with a single trade, the term unrealized means that this is the amount at which you can close your trades at the moment. For a Long position: Unrealized PNL = (Futures Marking Price Initial Futures Buy Rate) * Position Size. To learn how to calculate Binance Futures fees and funding, check out our Binance fee calculatorand Binance funding fee calculator. Please visit the. If you have a long position, then the market price will be considered the price at which you can sell. The risk/reward ratio (R/R ratio or R) calculates how much risk a trader is taking for potentially how much reward. leverage, or buying on margin, . In the case of margin trading, the realized and unrealized PNL is multiplied by the leverage. Trade Details Position Size: - Risk Reward Ratio: - PnL (Loss): - PnL (Gain): - Unrealized PNL means that the calculation is based on the current market rate of the asset (and not the actual closing rate of the position). For example, if you have $100 in your exchange account but want to open a position worth $1,000 in bitcoin (BTC), a 10x leverage will give your $100 the same buying power as $1,000. You can maintain your existing positions opened before July 27, 2021 beyond 20x leverage, but you cannot increase the leverage further. Fast Expert Tutoring. Crypto deposits are free, though fees may apply when you withdraw crypto. If you refer to this page and find your maintenance margin rate and maintenance amount based on the pair you trade and your position size and enter them into the calculator, the liquidation price will be calculated more accurately. Use this handy Forex & Crypto Margin & Leverage Calculator to calculate accurately the amount of funds required to open a trading position, or used to open . Binance Futures allows you to manually adjust the leverage for each contract. If you have an open position in the Isolated Margin Mode, you cannot reduce the leverage. The profit or loss will remain unrealized until you close the trade. You can always count on us for . The new leverage limits also apply to existing users who registered their Futures accounts in less than 60 days: All the new positions you open must be maintained below 20x leverage. And if you dont already have an account on the Binance cryptocurrency exchange, then you can create one for free right now. When calculating the PNL for futures contracts, keep in mind that the label price is a more accurate representation of the contract value than the futures market price. For new users with no open positions, all new positions must not exceed 20x leverage. When you make a trade with 200 USDT, 0.2 USDT will be charged as a trading fee. You can find a full list of all supported crypto contracts on the company's website. The average satisfaction rating for this product is 4.7 out of 5. Note: Due to the maintenance margin rate that varies depending on your position size and the pair you trade, the actual liquidation price for your long positions may be a bit higher and the actual liquidation price for your short positions may be a bit lower than the liquidation price calculated here. Binance introduced margin trading in 2019, and it's gradually becoming a popular feature for traders. After logging in to your Binance account, move your mouse to the top right corner and hover over your profile icon.
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