", Persecution = The essence of persecution consists in subjecting a person to injury or disadvantage on account of his [beliefs].. "It denotes living in the right attitude to God and to things divine. It means to follow a person spiritually, not only to understand what he says, but also to carry out his ideas and be the kind of person he wishes us to be. Narcissism is at an all-time peak, but with lovers of yourself comes. At this particular time in the ordinary matters of politics one of the curses of Rome was the existence of informers (delatores, compare G1213) . They love pleasure more than they love God; that's the indictment. He would not have him to be spreading doubtful opinions; but what he had heard from the apostle himself he need not scruple to give out freely. Some of you are separated not by your own desire or wish, but because someone was a trucebreaker. Note, It is not enough to learn that which is good, but we must continue in it, and persevere in it unto the end. How big is your God? First and foremost he has an aim in life. James encourages us by explaining that those who persevere under trial, on the journey to maturity, will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him, and He exhorts us to consider it all joy, when we encounter various trials.There is an urgency in this final letter thatPaul wrote before his death, to remind us that ALL who live godly lives in Christ will certainly suffer persecution. One only meets Satan when traveling in an opposite direction! 14 But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them; 15 And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. But this is not what the Bible teaches. These were graces that Paul was eminent for, and Timothy knew it. But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived ( 2 Timothy 3:13 ). They thought that eternal life lay in the letter, not in Him of whom the letter testified. 2 Timothy 3:12, "Yes, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus, shall suffer persecution.". He opened out the pages to make it burn more easily. It is of use to all, for we all need to be instructed, corrected, and reproved: it is of special use to ministers, who are to give instruction, correction, and reproof; and whence can they fetch it better than from the scripture? I think the next major event, Revelation 4:1 . Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. The wickedness of evil people, particularly charlatans, will increase as time passes. 10 But thou hast fully known my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, charity, patience, 11 Persecutions, afflictions, which came unto me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra; what persecutions I endured: but out of them all the Lord delivered me. The ancient world set duty to parents very high. As members of the Church, we should sometimes ask ourselves, what are we trying to do in it? "To Timothy, my dearly-beloved child: Grace, mercy, and peace, from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord. He was driven from Antioch in Pisidia ( Acts 13:50); he had to flee from Iconium to avoid lynching ( Acts 14:5-6); in Lystra he was stoned and left for dead ( Acts 14:19). This may be either an injury done to his feelings, his family, his reputation, his property, his liberty, his influence; it may be by depriving him of an office which he held, or preventing him from obtaining one to which he is eligible; it may be by subjecting him to fine or imprisonment, to banishment, torture, or death. Now though it is infallible, inerrant and inspired, I did make a mistake in my message this morning on the speed of Arcturus; it's twelve thousand miles a second, I think I said twelve million. He is sure that in the long run it is better to suffer with God and the right than to prosper with men and the wrong. And for this reason we should continue in the things we have learned from the holy scriptures; not that we ought to continue in any errors and mistakes which we may have been led into, in the time of our childhood and youth (for these, upon an impartial enquiry and full conviction, we should forsake); but this makes nothing against our continuing in those things which the holy scriptures plainly assert, and which he that runs may read. It is the sign of a man of honour that he pays his debts; and for every man there is a debt to God and there are debts to his fellow-men, which he must remember and repay. What am I to believe about angels or the future? The word is huperephanos ( G5244) . And the word of God comes and it brings a balance, it brings a correction, it brings a correct perspective.It's profitable. Now you'd think that the world would treat a person like that very cordially. But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: a. Didn't you know that's just a myth? The Christian life does not consist only in knowing something; it consists even more in being something. And when you lose authority you have anarchy. Note, Those are wise indeed who are wise to salvation. The apostle mentions the Lord's delivering him out of them all, for Timothy's and our encouragement under sufferings. Accordingly, there is a depth of feeling that one may safely say far exceeds the first epistle, although it had shown so much tenderness and care both for Timothy and the faithful of those days. "Reprobate concerning the faith.". Confrontation and conflict become inevitable (cf. Few choose to leave behind the elementary teaching about Christ, and press on into maturity.Sadly many believers, although saved by grace through faith in Christ, refuse to move past the elementary principles of the Christian life. It is an immense blessing that we have the truth not only in a book, but in a practical shape, the truth that comes out of the heart and from the lips of living men of God. ". In other words, they simply remain in spiritual infancy and keep repeating the first stage of their Christian faith, over and again, without pressing on to spiritual maturity.Many are falsely taught that becoming a Christian will secure a quiet life and provide a ticket to prosperity, with numerous earthly blessings and a free pass from God, to prevent or remove any difficulties or dangers that may arise. The Christian leader will never lack his opponents. They still, you know, pay their respects. Don't start trying to cut out certain stories because they don't fit your scheme because you have a little hard, you have a hard time sort of believing that. III. Others must do that kind of work in future. There were false teachers who were quick to take advantage of that. They will be inflated with a sense of their own importance. The Greek word (prodotes, G4273) means nothing less than a traitor. If your God is big enough to create the heavens and the earth, no problem, but you see, we stumble on the very first verse. They will maintain the outward form of religion, but they will deny its power. 2 To Timothy, d my beloved child:. And the word perfect of course is always that of completeness. There is no godliness (Greek, "piously") or piety out of Christ. This is unfortunate, since his works contain priceless gems of information that are found nowhere except in the ancient writings of the Jews. That is, it is not enough that I should walk with the Lord individually, but I must clear myself of association with that which is contrary to His name. How appropriate that "trucebreakers" is for this day. The same tone of mercy is equally promised in this #epistle as in the last. See also 1 Timothy 4:7; 1 Timothy 6:11, and on godliness, 1 Timothy 2:2. If, in any manner, or in any way, he is subjected to disadvantage on account of his religious opinions, and deprived of any immunities and rights to which he would be otherwise entitled, this is persecution. So if you want God to use your life, then thoroughly equip yourself in the Word of God, the study, the understanding.That's why we're here tonight. A. Characteristics of the last days 3:1-13. In other words, it's not going to get better for awhile. He lets Timothy know that while he laid this on others, he must look carefully to his own ways. His own desire after going to the Lord did not prevent this, but the reverse: "that I may be filled with joy: when I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee, which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, and thy mother Eunice; and I am persuaded that in thee also." The adjective used is philautos ( G5367) , which means self-loving. For it is not dogma pure and simple, it is not mere instruction; and we may thank God for it. There is nothing that more shows God than His ability to combine that which is eternal with care for the smallest things of this life. The insult which comes from anger is bad but it is forgivable, for it is launched in the heat of the moment; but the cold insult which comes from arrogant pride is an ugly and an unforgivable thing. Salem Media Group. It is derived from two Greek words which mean to show oneself above. Regardless of the persecution, it is our duty to live in such a way that the world will know that we are Christians. Accordingly, in much grief of heart, the apostle writes to his tried and trembling child in the faith, and seeks to strengthen him, above all things not to be discouraged, and to make up his mind to endure hard things. When God came on the scene and entered the conversation with his friends? For that very reason it is unanswerable that, whatever a man might argue about the rest of the Bible, it is impossible for the Church ever to do without the Gospels. Abandoned by virtually all of those close to him for fear of persecution (cf. And they shall be dispersed among the Gentiles. Now this is not given to us in the Scriptures but there are other, what are known as apocryphal books, in which these two fellows are named. We usually try to avoid it on Friday evening if we can, but sometimes our schedules are such that we just don't have time to. She had been finding life, as she herself said, futile and meaningless. Vincente Quiroga of Chile found a few pages of a book washed up on the seashore by a tidal wave following an earthquake. This is evidently not the true remedy to abandon the confession of Christ: only an apostate could think of it. The thing that amazes me is that he can attract people who will support him. The apostle well knew that the God who had brought these glorious truths to man, the God that had manifested His grace, had given a witness of their reality in the man from whom he had learned them; and this was meant to have an enduring effect on the conscience and heart of Timothy. And they use the book of Job as their proof text. 2 Timothy 3:12 (NASB) Verse Thoughts We live in a fallen world, and there are many challenges that face the believer who has not only trusted Christ for salvation, but is also ready and willing to deny self, take up his cross, follow Christ's example, and say without compromise - Thy will, not mine, be done. The word is propetes ( G4312) , precipitate. Lear's words remain true: "How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is. For after all, I'm worth it. These were the names given to the court magicians of Pharaoh who opposed Moses and Aaron, when Moses was leading the children of Israel out of their slavery in Egypt. Many and many a time we would be saved from hurting ourselves and from wounding other people, if we would only stop to think. "But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry. (12) Yea, and all that will live godly.--But St. Paul would not allow it to be thought for a moment that in the fact of his enduring persecution and suffering there was anything remarkable or singular; so he adds the words of this verse, which repeat in a peculiarly solemn way the great Christian truth that eternal glory was only to be reached by man through an avenue of sufferings. ", and [as such they are] profitable ( 2 Timothy 3:16 ). If, in any manner, or in any way, he is subjected to disadvantage on account of his religious opinions, and deprived of any immunities and rights to which he would be otherwise entitled, this is persecution. But it is asked, Must all men be martyrs? If anyone proposes to introduce into his life a loyalty which surpasses all earthly loyalties, there are bound to be clashes. How Daniels Prophecy of 70 Weeks Connects to the End Times. Accordingly the apostle reminds Timothy of this. It appears it was not merely in Rome. If we consult the scripture, which was given by inspiration of God, and follow its directions, we shall be made men of God, perfect, and thoroughly furnished to every good work. Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: they are men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith ( 2 Timothy 3:8 ). There is only one test for falsity--"You will know them by their fruits." They will refuse to recognize the debt they owe both to God and to men. Jewish thought had one basic conception. Christian life is a life of purpose. 4. It can sometimes have the meaning of loyalty, or true religion. Thank You that Your grace is sufficient for any attack that the evil enemy of my soul can throw at me, and that nothing can ever separate me from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus. The man who is huperephanos ( G5244) , said Theophrastus, has a kind of contempt for everyone except himself. Such offence can and does happen yet. I mean, people will have had it with the unrighteousness of the world. There is faith, complete belief that God's commands are binding and that his promises are true. The volume of the book, the Old Testament, it's all about Jesus Christ. To many a man and woman has a little bit of dress done no small injury, just because they think it is too little for the Spirit of God to direct them in. It is well to be exclusive of sin, but of nothing else. Don't start messing with it. Is it knowledge, or is it life, that we are trying to transmit? But, if one confesses the name of the Lord, the word is imperative: "let him depart from iniquity." Those ministers are likely to do good, and leave lasting fruits of their labours, whose manner of life agrees with their doctrine; as, on the contrary, those cannot expect to profit the people at all that preach well and live ill. 3. Here the apostle, to confirm Timothy in that way wherein he walked. And suddenly, of course, their tears were changed because Paul began to breathe and move and he stood up and he said, Let's go back in and preach some more. There is little likelihood that Timothy will be easily led astray by false teaching. How is it that you could be deceived, Jesus? The numbers of people who flocked to the various athletic contests, loving pleasure. But thou hast fully known ( 2 Timothy 3:10 ), Now in contrast to this, boy, and what a contrast the Christian is to the world around him, and more and more, you know, more and more your lifestyle is different from the world. Includes questions, verse by verse commentary, and applications on 2 Timothy 1 for life transformation. "Knowing especially the firm foundation upon which thou hast built, namely, that of the scripture (2 Timothy 3:15; 2 Timothy 3:15): That from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures.". 3:2-5 For men will live a life that is centred in self; they will be lovers of money, braggarts, arrogant, lovers of insult, disobedient to their parents, thankless, regardless even of the ultimate decencies of life, without human affection, implacable in hatred, revelling in slander, ungovernable in their passions, savage, not knowing what the love of good is, treacherous, headlong in word and action, inflated with pride, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God. And why read them anyhow if they're not inspired? Their minds become corrupted and they ultimately become reprobate concerning the faith. Verse 4. It is to be supposed that the younger labourer cowered somewhat, unwilling to incur the odious charge, so easily made but hard to refute, of setting himself up and taking the place of some great one. They will be lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God. Indeed, all who want to live in a godly way in Christ Jesus will be persecuted. At that time Timothy was just a very young boy, probably in his mid-teens and yet he was attracted to Paul the apostle because of the message that Paul bore. 1. In the end not a book was burned; the brigand left the colporteur and went off into the darkness with the books. It is Paul's charge that such people are "willing to learn from anyone, and yet never able to come to a knowledge of the truth." Sponde is the word for a truce or an agreement. Easy it seems to get sort of distracted and off course. "The cloke," then says he, "that I left at Troas with Carpus, when thou comest, bring with thee, and the books," not only the clothing, but even that which he is to read, "especially the parchments;" what he was going to write on, probably. Paul's life contrasted with the world. shall suffer persecution; it is the will of God, and the appointment of heaven; Christ has foretold it, that so it shall be; and he the head has suffered it himself, and it is necessary that his members should, that they may be conformed unto him; it is the way Christ himself went to glory, and through many tribulations his people must enter the kingdom; and this is the common lot and certain case of all the saints, in one shape or another; for though all do not suffer confiscation of goods, beating, scourging, imprisonment, or a violent death; yet all are more or less afflicted and distressed by wicked men, and are subject to their reproaches and revilings, which are a branch of persecution; and that for professing Christ, and living a godly life in him and under his influence: and since such suffer as Christians, and not as evildoers; and this is the common condition of the people of God, in this world, it should not be thought strange, but be cheerfully endured; to encourage to which is the apostle's view in this passage. Originally the alazon ( G213) was a wandering quack. Verse 1. What am I to believe about God? Why? The reason is obvious. That's not the kind of promises we really enjoy, is it? But the apostle remembered it all, felt deeply for if not with him, and greatly desiring to see him once more. He read them and never rested until he obtained the rest of the Bible. He had fully known his conversation: Thou hast fully know my doctrine, and manner of life; his manner of life was of a piece with his doctrine, and did not contradict it. [2.] Therefore it is incumbent for the Christian to look to this gravely, never to be dragged by the fear of breaking unity into accrediting what dishonours the Lord. One must try disorders and prove profession. The nature of its doctrine was no way likely to command success: (1) it condemns all other religions, some established for ages; (2) it enjoins precepts ungrateful to flesh and blood, the mortifying of the flesh, the love of enemies, and the bearing of the cross; (3) it enforces these seemingly unreasonable precepts by promises seemingly incredible; not good things such as afford complacency to our senses, but such as cannot be obtained till after this life, and presuppose what then seemed impossible, the resurrection; (4) it predicts to its followers what would seem sure to keep most of the world from embracing it, persecutions. Things were so bad that Tacitus could say: "He who had no foe was betrayed by his friend." Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. Second Timothy 3:12-13 "Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, while evil people and impostors will go on from bad to worse, deceiving and being. That is the inevitable way to ruin, for no man can master anything unless he first masters himself. If they contradict the teaching of the Bible, they are to be refused. 442.]. No amount of intellectual curiosity can ever take the place of moral earnestness. Remember that Jesus Christ, of the seed of David, was raised from the dead according to my gospel." It is beyond argument that the Scriptures can convict a man of his error and convince him of the power of Christ. Christ's apostles had no enemies but those who did not know them, or not know them fully; those who knew them best loved and honoured them the most. Therefore, isolation is never desirable, though it may be sometimes necessary. And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men." Accordingly, although they are not exposed to the same assaults, and do not engage in the same battles, yet they have a warfare in common, and shall never be wholly at peace and exempt from persecutions. Look at the rapid deterioration of our society. And this, I believe, is much to be considered. That the man of God may be perfect ( 2 Timothy 3:17 ). So you see, I'm not inerrant in all, but the scriptures are. Here is one of the most terrible pictures in the New Testament of what a godless world would be like, with the terrible qualities of godlessness set out in a ghastly series. Yes, and everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. That the scripture was given by inspiration of God appears from the majesty of its style,--from the truth, purity, and sublimity, of the doctrines contained in it,--from the harmony of its several parts,--from its power and efficacy on the minds of multitudes that converse with it,--from the accomplishment of many prophecies relating to things beyond all human foresight,--and from the uncontrollable miracles that were wrought in proof of its divine original: God also bearing them witness, both with signs and wonders, and with divers miracles and gifts of the Holy Ghost, according to his own will,Hebrews 2:4. But let not a man who will do this, suppose that he has any claim to be numbered among the martyrs, or even entitled to the Christian name. 2 Timothy 3:12 - Concordant Commentary on the New Testament by A. E. Knoch Now it is interesting that as Paul is referring to the Scriptures here, he is, of course, referring to the Old Testament Scriptures. The fact is that God loves to make His children mutually dependent; and if we are only humble, there are very few saints from whom we may not derive some good, though not always in the same way. And a hundred and fifty men can board it and they can submerge and go under the North Pole under the arctic ice. And the reason why he makes it so urgent not to be turned aside was, that the time would come when men would not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts they should heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they should turn away their ears from the truth, and should be.
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